
Information on Integrative Health Coaching

If you are considering Integrative Health Coaching, or you have already made a commitment, here is some information that you may find useful before you attend your first session.

What is Integrative Health Coaching?

Are there health behavior changes that you’ve wanted to make but either haven’t known how or just haven’t been successful in the past?

Has a new health concern arisen that you want to pay particular attention to?

Health coaching effectively motivates and supports health behavior change through a structured partnership between the client and coach. A coach is like a “personal trainer” except the focus will be on your whole self. The coach helps the client develop and realize their optimal health vision through inquiry, personal discovery and accountability.

Why is it effective in helping people realize their optimal health?

  • You and your coach work in partnership to identify obstacles to change. We then work together to create strategies for moving toward your goals.

  • Coaches hold you accountable. I will help you track your weekly progress and hold you accountable for your commitments.

  • Coaches provide additional resources for making healthy behavior changes.

  • Coaching works with the whole person. I listen to your concerns and ask you powerful questions to help motivate you to make the changes you desire.

  • Coaching spends time exploring what is most important to you in your health. I will encourage you to choose your course of action.

  • Coaching guides you through a process to maximize the possibility of your success. I act as your co-pilot to help you through the process.

What are appropriate topics for health coaching?


The coaching relationship is unique. The coach and the client form a partnership to better equip you to realize your optimal health vision based on your own goals and values. Any concern that gets in the way of taking care of your optimal health is the perfect subject with which to begin coaching. Therefore, any topic you want to bring up that you think will contribute to your optimal health is an appropriate topic for Integrative Health Coaching.

Wheel of Health

In today’s fast-paced and increasingly complex world, medical science and the evolution of unique models for health care are bringing us closer to truly personalized medicine. Given these evolving trends, the need for a comprehensive and dynamically responsive plan for your health is even more important. For this reason we want to help you create personalized health plans that are as responsive to your current health needs as they are adaptable to your future health. Our offerings are built from the principles outlined in the Duke Integrative Medicine Wheel of Health. We use this as a guide to gauge where you might want focus your efforts.

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Learn more about the Wheel of Health and its characteristics.